Forest Therapy Walks

3 Steps to Get Started with Forest Therapy

Forest therapy is a practice that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It is based on the belief that spending time in nature can have a positive effect on our mental and physical health. While the concept of forest bathing therapy may seem new, humans have been interacting with nature for centuries to improve their well-being. In this post, we will discuss three steps for getting started with forest therapy!

1. Choose a Location

When selecting a location for your forest therapy session, it is important to find a place that feels safe and comfortable for you. The whole approach is to improving health in partnership with nature, which means not only the physical space around you but also your internal environment. It is best to find a place where you can be surrounded by trees, have access to fresh air, and are away from any sources of pollution. If you live in an urban area, there may be a park or green space that you can visit. There are also many forest therapy trails that have been created in recent years, which can be found by doing a quick search online.

2. Connect with Your Surroundings

Once you have chosen a location, it is time to connect with your surroundings. This means putting away any electronic devices that you may have with you and taking a few deep breaths. Allow yourself to take in the sights, sounds, and smells of nature. If you can, take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the earth. This helps to ground you and connect you to the natural world around you. Plus, it feels pretty great!

3. Engage Your Senses

One of the best things about nature is that it can engage all of our senses. Take some time to really experience everything around you. Listen to the birds singing or the leaves rustling in the wind. Feel the sun on your skin or the raindrops falling on your face. Smell the flowers or the fresh air. Taste the berries or the leaves of a tree (if they are edible!). Look at the different colors and textures of the plants and trees. By engaging our senses, we can connect with nature on a deeper level.

To Sum It Up

Forest therapy is a practice that can have numerous benefits for our mental and physical health. If you are interested in trying it, follow these three steps to enter the realm of forest bathing therapy! A pinch of self-awareness, a teaspoon of relaxation, and a tablespoon of nature is all you need for the perfect recipe for forest therapy!

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