How to Overcome Itchy and Dry Skin?  


Dry skin occurs once your skin gets dry out due to a lack of moisture. It is generally not significant, but it can be annoying. Individuals should see a doctor if their dry skin is drastic. There are multiple causes and types of dry skin, which tend to range from the outside temperature to the amount of moisture in the air.

Whenever it comes to itchy skin, everyone begins to experience an itch occasionally. If an itch persists for two weeks, it is called chronic itch and is much more likely to disrupt your life.

Risk factors

  • Harsh cleaning solvents or soaps: Shower gels, shampoos, and cleaning products are designed to eliminate oil from the skin. That implies they can dry this out by removing all of the moisture.
  • Hot baths: Taking long, hot baths or soaking in a warm bath may cause your skin to become dry.
  • Heat: Any heat source, from heaters and heating systems to fireplaces and wood stoves, can reduce humidity in a room and cause dry skin.
  • Swimming in pools: Chlorine, a chemical used to keep some collections clean, can cause skin irritation.
  • Other skin disorders: People with conditions such as psoriasis or eczema can develop dry skin.

Tips to get rid of the itchy skin and dry skin

  • Moisturize your skin daily if you have dry skin. Do it instantly after showering, bathing, or washing your face, while your skin remains damp. Choose one body lotion that is thick, intense, and runny if you can endure the greasy feeling. According to skin care experts, ointments (also known as emollients) such as petroleum jelly are the best.
  • Whereas no single food can cure dry, itchy skin, a healthful diet can help support healthy skin. Some foods contain anti-inflammatory properties that may benefit people suffering from skin condition issues that cause dry skin and itchiness.
  • Using a humidifier at night while also falling asleep during the winter is an ideal method to replenish moisture in your skin.
  • A cold press, such as a cold, damp, wet cloth or a cold compress wrapped in a towel, can help with eczema or dry skin spots by reducing itch.
  • Lotions are less efficient for itchy skin dry skin (คัน ตาม ผิวหนัง ผิว แห้ง, term in Thai) than creams, but they feel much better on your skin. These products are mostly water-based; when applied to the skin, the water quickly evaporates. The moisturizer should be independent of dyes, perfumery, and other potentially aggravating ingredients. Check labels to see if the item is hypoallergenic.


Dry skin creates your skin’s texture to change from gentle to rough. It can make your skin itchy or end up causing it to change color from its normal tone. Excessively dry patches, small places of dry skin, can occur, or dry skin can impact a greater area of your skin.

Your health professional may prescribe a topical steroid for extremely dry skin that is itchy or prone to cracking. Topical steroids reduce swelling (inflammatory response) in your skin, which causes a rash and itching. Oral or intravenous medication may be essential in severe cases.

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