Medical Weight Loss

Medical Weight Loss: How Much Weight Can You Lose?

Obesity is a growing concern worldwide, as it can lead to severe health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Many individuals struggle with losing weight through traditional methods like diet and exercise, and this is where medical weight loss comes into play.

If you’re considering medical weight loss, you may wonder how much weight you can potentially lose through this approach. In this article, we’ll explore the different methods of medical weight loss and the factors that play a role in determining how much weight you can shed.

What is Medical Weight Loss?

Medical weight loss refers to a comprehensive, doctor-supervised weight management program. It is based on evidence-based practices, including individualized diet and exercise plans, lifestyle modification, psychological counseling, and in some cases, medication or weight loss surgery.


If you’re interested in exploring this option further, you should consult a qualified weight loss clinic atlanta, ga for medical weight loss in Las Cruces to make sure your program is tailored to your individual needs.

Factors to Consider

Several factors contribute to the amount of weight you can lose through medical weight loss, including the following:

Method of weight loss:

There are different approaches to medical weight loss – some involve medication, while others may involve surgical procedures like gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy. The amount of weight you can shed depends on the method chosen, as each procedure has its unique success rate.

Adherence to the program:

As with any weight loss plan, your dedication and commitment to following the program are essential. The better you adhere to the prescribed diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes, the more weight you’re likely to lose.


As one grows older, their metabolism slows down, which makes weight loss more difficult. However, this doesn’t mean that older adults can’t achieve successful weight loss through medical interventions. Just keep in mind that results might not be as dramatic as for younger individuals.

Individual factors:

Genetics, current weight, medical history, and other unique factors can also play a important role in the amount of weight you lose. This further highlights the importance of working closely with a healthcare professional to create a personalized weight loss plan.

How Much Weight Can You Expect to Lose?

The amount of weight one can lose through medical weight loss varies greatly, depending on the factors mentioned above. Individuals utilizing medication-assisted weight loss, they may lose between 5-10% of their initial body weight within 6-12 months. But this differentiates from person to person, and results may be higher or lower.

In the case of weight loss surgery, you can expect to lose between 50-75% of your excess body weight within the first 12-24 months after surgery. To know how long it takes to recover after weight loss surgery, check out this blog. Also, it’s noted that some patients lose as much as 80% of their excess body weight within the first year.

To Sum Up

Medical weight loss can be a life-changing option for people who struggle with obesity and have been unsuccessful with traditional eating habits and exercise programs. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the right method for your unique circumstances and set realistic expectations for weight loss. Thank you for reading!

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